how to Put in golf

How to putt in golf

What is the correct way to putt in golf.

The best way to putt in gold is to follow these steps
1. Find your line.
2. Address the Ball with your head over the line you want to putt on
3. Line up the putter with the ball so it is square
4. Determine how far back you have to bring the putter
5. Picture the ball going in the cup
6. Take your shot.

Now this may be an over simplified way to putt in golf but it is all you really need. With this technique and lots of practice I guarantee you will be making the three footers with ease and then start getting some confidence for the longer putts. 

What equipment do you need for putting in golf?

The only equipment you need is a putter that you have confidence in. For a long time I used a old putter that maybe cost me 50.00 dollars brand new. But I loved that putter and always felt like I new exactly where the ball was going to go and how hard I had to hit it to get it there.

Do training aids help in golf?

Training aids can help but if your fundementals are not sound training aids will now help fix that. 

It all comes down to getting the putter head square at impact. 

If you can get the club head square and get the ball started on the right line. You are 90% of the way there.