How to golf swing

How to golf swing

The best way to golf swing is to watch and copy a pro that you admire. 

I can tell you this from analyzing hundreds of swings. Everyone does it a little bit different. 

Some take the club straight back, some take the club from the outside in, some from the inside out and some straight up. 

If you look at enough swings you will find that for every technique there is someone who is using it successfully.

The Proper Way to Swing a golf Club

  1. Look to see where your target is. a
  2. Adress the ball so that your clubhead is square to the target.
  3. Keep your feet square to the target
  4. Position the club so that your hands are just ahead of the ball
  5. Take the club back until it is shoulder level
  6. Accelerate the club through the ball.

The most important thing is to keep it consistent and get the club head square at impact.

This is by far the most important thing. You can do everything wrong in the take away and approach and if you get the club head square you will have consistent success with hitting the golf ball.